1. Course Information
- Semester: Spring 2024
- Location: Olsson Hall 120
- Time: TuTh 9:30 AM - 10:45 AM
- Instructors:
- Yangfeng Ji (Office hour: Friday 9 - 10 AM, Loc: Rice 510)
- Stephanie Schoch (Office hour: Wednesday 2 - 3 PM, Loc: Rice 414)
- Teaching assistants
- Dane Williamson (Office hour: Tuesday 12 - 1 PM, Loc: Rice 414)
- Aparna Kishore (Office hour: Tuesday 2 - 3 PM, Loc: Rice 542)
- Daniel Hieber (Office hour: Friday 5 - 6 PM, Loc: Zoom)
1.1 Additional Information
- We use Piazza for online discussion.
- We recommend to use the LaTeX submission template for homework assignments.
- Class lectures are not recorded.
2. Course Description
This course will cover the following four major topics
- Search and Planning
- Probabilistic Reasoning
- Learning from Examples
- Reinforcement Learning
- Generative AI
- AI Ethics
For more information, please refer to the course schedule
2.1 Textbooks
- [AI] Russell and Norvig. Artificial Intelligence: A Modern Approach. 3rd Edition. 2010
Additional references
- [DL] Bishop and Bishop. Deep Learning: Foundations and Concepts. 2024
3. Assignments and Final Project
- Homework (55 points)
- There will be five homework assignments.
- Each assignment is worth 11 points
- Mid term exam (20 points)
- Theme: AI for social good
- Final Project (20 points)
- The final project consists of one project proposal and one project report.
- Each group consists of 3 - 5 students
- Attendance (5 points)
3.1 Collaboration Policy
About homework
- Students should work on their homework assignments independently
- Discussing homework with your classmate is encouraged
- Copying from others is prohibited
About finel project
- The final project is intended to be collaborative
- All group members will have the same point for their proposal and report
About using generative AI, such as ChatGPT
- Using generative AI for homework and final project is not encouraged
- Students should be responsible to the correctness of the answers if they use help from generative AI
3.2 Late Penalty
- Please refer to the late penalty page for more information.