Advanced Topics in Machine Learning

UVa CS 8501 (Fall 2022)

Reading Guideline

The purpose of this guideline is to help students focus on the important content (for this course) on each topic.

Lecture 01: Introduction

Reading assignments:


Lecture 02: Generative Modeling

Reading Assignments:


Lecture 03: Bayesian Statistics

Reading assignments:

It’s sufficient to only focus on the following subsections and the contained subsubsections:


Lecture 04: Probabilistic Graphical Models

Reading assignments:

It’s okay to skip the following sections

Additional comments: if you are interested in this topic, there are some additional reading materials

Lecture 05: Probabilistic Graphical Models II

Reading assignment:

Additional comments:

Lecture 06: Information Theory Basics

Reading assignment:

Additional comments:

Lecture 07: Variational Inference


Lecture 08: Variational Inference II

For the reading assignments, we will use [Murphy 2023] and focus on the following subsections


Lecture 09: Monte Carlo Inference

Reading assignment:


Lecture 10: Monte Carlo Inference II

Reading assignment:


Lecture 11: Variational Autoencoders

Reading assignment:


Lecture 12: Generative Adversarial Networks

Reading assignment:


Lecture 13: Diffusion Models

Reading assignment:

With our previous discussion on many relevant components, let’s read the whole chapter this time. Since diffusion models is a rapid evolving research fields, for our purpose, getting the ideas of this method is probably more important than getting some details. Unless, this is your research topic :)

Lecture 14: Beyond the IID Assumption

Reading assignment:


Lecture 15: No Class

Lecture 16: Beyond the IID Assumption II

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