Natural Language Processing

UVA CS 6501-011 (Fall 2024)


1. Course Information

From the instructor: I lost track of email requests about class enrollment. If you are still interested in this course, please send me an email (yangfeng at virginia) with only “Course Enrollment Request” in the subject line and a short description of the related courses that you have taken so far.

1.1 Additional Information

2. Course Description

Natural language processing (NLP) seeks to provide computers with the ability to process and understand human language intelligently. Examples of NLP techniques include (i) automatically translating from one natural language to another, (ii) analyzing documents to answer related questions or make related predictions, and (iii) generating texts to help story writing or build conversational agents. This course, consisting of one fundamental part and one advanced part, will give an overview of modern NLP techniques.

2.1 Topics

This course will mainly focus on applying machine learning (particularly, deep learning) techniques to natural language processing. NLP topics covered by this course

  1. Text classification and its applications
  2. Word embeddings
  3. Language modeling
  4. Sequence-to-sequence models and machine translation
  5. Large language models and text generation

Other advanced topics, such as explainable NLP and NLP in social science.

For detail information, please refer to the course schedule.

2.2 Prerequisites

2.3 Textbooks

3. Assignments and Final Project

3.1 Collaboration policy

For homework assignments

For the final project, replace the word “student(s)” with “group(s)”.

Last updated on 07/21/2024