Machine Learning

UVa CS 4774 (Spring 2023)

Table of Content

1. Basic Information
2. Highlights
3. Course Description
4. Assignments
5. Additional Course Information

1. Basic Information

2. Highlights

3. Course Description

3.1 Topics

Most of the course materials (and assignments) are adopted from Shalev-Shwartz and Ben-David’s textbook on machine learning. Particularly, the topics overed in this course are:

For more information about this course, please checkout the [schedule](schedule.

3.2 Prerequisites

In addition to the programming skill, basic probability theory and linear algebra are highly recommended.

3.3 Textbook


4. Assignments

There are three parts of assignment

4.1 Grading Policy

For more information about grading policy, please visit this page.

5. Additional Course Information

For the information about the honor code and other course policies, please visit this page.